Prabha Raman

It is more than a doctor patient relationship with Dr. Jayashree. I still remember the day when I met her way back in 2007, when I almost lost movements of both my hands. My palms were swollen and blue and literally I could do nothing with my hands. That was the stage she saw me first. By then, I had consulted more than ten doctors who all said the very same statement “You have to live with this problem”. Totally disgusted, I lost all hopes of recovery. But God’s Grace, one of my office friends saw my plight and forced me to consult Dr.Jayashree, for which I was very reluctant initially, as I had no high hopes of recovery after seeing so many doctors. But with his persuasion, I said yes one day and he along with his wife accompanied me to Dr. Jayashree. She examined my ‘Naadi’ and hands and the next moment she touched my cervical spine and asked me “Do you have spondylosis”. I was astonished as she didn’t even see my bagful of medical records.
Next came as a soother -” I will treat this”. I couldn’t believe my ears as I have heard only the statements of doctors – ‘I have to live with it’.
The confidence in her words and the extreme warmth she showed on me did the miracle. I readily and happily said yes for all her valuable advices and believe it, with His abundant Grace, with all her medicines, her navara kizhi treatment, her dietary advices and more than everything, her ‘Midas Touch’ worked wonders and now afer 14 long years I could recollect how I met her and how I am today. I attribute my well being today to Dr. Jayashree who has cured me of this problem to a very great extent. If I am able to run a normal life, it is nothing but her excellent personal care and treatment she gave to me. My profound thanks to her for bringing back smiles on my face. Whenever I come across people having similar issues, I instantaneously refer my doctor to them for the best care and treatment given by her. Kudos to Dr. Jayashree Rajan. sincerely pray Bhagwan to bestow His Choicest Blessings on her and her family. Let her journey of healing continue for many more years to come

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